Monday, October 16, 2006

Weekly update: 10/16


Here's what's going on...

- Thursday, 10/19; 7 pm: Midweek gathering at the Greene's. Our last gathering at the Greene's, coupled with our final week in Acts. I sense closure.

- Sunday, 10/22; 11 am: We're back on after a week away. We'll be looking at what happens when we put God first in our life. (We're still in room 20, pending the completion of the room).

Coming up: Harvest Costume Party - 10/26; Costume party, bobbing for apples, etc. If you have any questions, email Melanie (

Also coming up: Greene's Celebration - 11/2, 7 pm; This is going to be a great time of honoring Travis and Karin, and probably laughing quite a bit. Feel free to invite those who have been in the college group in the past few years as well.

Starting 11/9 we'll be revamping our Midweek time. Stay tuned...

- Bob


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