Monday, October 09, 2006

Weekly update: 10/9


The biggest announcement of the week is one of mixed emotion: Travis and Karin Greene are going to be closing out there time as part of the college gathering in the next few weeks. Obviously, we're going to miss them as part of our gatherings. The reason it's "mixed" emotion is because part of the reason they're stepping back from college is because their other ministries at the church are taking off and taking more time.

All that to say, we're going to be enjoying a couple more weeks at the Greene's for our midweek study, then having a sweet celebration of their time with us (I smell party). See below for more details...

Here's an outline of the announcements in handy written form:
- Thursday, 10/12; 7 pm: Midweek gathering at the Greene's. Only two weeks left. Come for little Tyler's antics, stay for the Bible.

- Sunday, 10/15: Due to the Baja mission trip and other church events, there will be no college gathering this Sunday.

Coming up: Harvest Costume Party - 10/26; All the good stuff you would expect out of a Halloween party, without the pagan influence. Costume party, bobbing for apples, dancing, etc. If you have any questions, email Melanie (

Also coming up: Greene's Celebration - 11/2, 7 pm; This is going to be a great time of honoring Travis and Karin, and probably laughing quite a bit. Feel free to invite those who have been in the college group in the past few years as well.

- Bob


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