Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Weekly update: 9/5


Here's what is going on with the College Gathering at Grace.

- Thursday at the Greene's (4356 Dodgwood Ave; Seal Beach). We're back with the Greene's this week and continuing to look at Acts. Come be a part of the community! (There may even be some Uno afterwards)

- Saturday, 9/9 Workday on the Underground at 9:30 am. We're going to be painting our new room, which was formerly the high school basement. Free pizza for everyone at noon. Obviously, wear clothes you can get paint on.

- Sunday, 9/10 Sunday gathering at 11. You know you missed it last week. We're going to be enjoying our last week in room 20 before moving to the Underground.

- On the horizon:
Sunday, 9/17 - First Sunday meeting in the underground.

Have a great week!



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