Monday, October 23, 2006

The College Gathering Midweek

The College Gathering at Grace is about a lot more than just Sunday mornings.
Here's a list of what's coming up during our Thursday nights together for the next few months.

All events are at 7 pm and meet at the Underground (what was formerly the high school room at the church), unless otherwise noted.

10/26 - Harvest party (Underground)

11/2 - Greene's celebration (Underground)

11/9 - "Hotel Rwanda" (Underground)

11/16 - Angel Tree (Underground)

11/23 - Thanksgiving - Not meeting

11/30 - Game night (Underground)

12/7 - "Nativity Story" (Theater TBA)

12/14 - Angel Tree (Underground)

12/21, 12/28, 1/4 - Off for Christmas

1/11 - New Year Party (Location TBA)

1/18 - "Crash" (Underground)

1/25 - Worship night (Underground)

2/1 - Outreach/Service project (TBA)

2/8 - Q & A night on Love and Marriage (Underground)

2/15 - Valentine's Day party (Location TBA)

2/22 - "Walk the Line" (Underground)

3/1 - Intergenerational dance (Location TBA)


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